Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Whirlwind World of Agility

Busy.  Jammed up.  Living with my hair on fire. We're in the third week of three weekends of agility trials. Seemed like a good idea at the time.  Kind of.  More coffee!  More cowbell!  Who needs sleep anyway?

The girls got to go sailing in Prunedale!

The first trial was the 3-day Bay Team July 4th weekend in Prunedale.  Rachel made a boat.  Everyone got in that boat.  Resistance was futile.

Come buy stuff!
Photo by Ellen Levy Finch

I helped Mardee run the popular workers store. Work a class, earn tickets, buy cool stuff at the store!  'Every ticket's a winner!' 

Boss man

One of Mardee's wild bunch - Tater Tot -
is the store mascot.
Looks like a tater tot.  We luff him.

Jemima with her Bye.

Jemima had a great weekend, and truly outdid herself on the last day. I thought she wasn't entered in Grand Prix. And when they shouted her name, I quickly leashed her up, ran over to the ring, apologized to the judge for holding things up, put her on the start line, and tried to remember the course. And several seconds later when she sailed across the finish line, the scoring person happily handed me a coveted 1st place 'Bye.'  Do not pass go.  Straight to the semi-finals at Regionals over Labor Day.  Don't worry Mom - just run - I got this one!

RUN FASTER - it's not rocket science!

Also on Sunday, after 11 months of trying for a third Standard Q, Vixen earned her Masters Agility Dog title.  And she earned it.  That was not an easy course and when she flew over the last bar and all four feet hit the ground, I put my hands in the air.  Happy tears.  MAD VIXEN!!!!!

Start line moment last week.  Photo by Sarah Hitzeman.

Our Canadian friend Kristi gifted us with these socks at the Regionals last year.  RUN FASTER! was the name of the team - with Kristi & Rex, Megan & Smack.
I am now convinced they are my lucky socks since the last time I wore them was at Regionals when our team took 6th place.

The view from the field at Power Paws last week

The following week, Vixen and I had our first lesson in a series with Nancy Gyes at Power Paws overlooking San Jose.  It's a beautiful setting, and all the border collies were running so well, and so quietly.  It was so peaceful - until I put Vixen on the start line.

Last weekend was the PASA ASCA trial, held at the fairgrounds in Vallejo for the first time.  It was a good trial, with challenging courses for ASCA, and after a very stressful week it was really good to have some serious belly laughs with some good friends.  Vixen had some great runs, got a Gamblers and a half a Regular Q.  And my records showed that Jemima earned her 8th ATCH!  Definitely had something to crow about!

The girls visit Foghorn Leghorn

And next we gear up for the SMART Agility on the Greens trial in Monterey.   
More to come!  Until then, happy trials!

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