Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Dreaded Kennel Cough

At a trial in July, an announcement was made during the first briefing about a recent, bad outbreak of kennel cough, and that if anyone thought their dogs might have been affected do the right thing and leave the trial.

Three happy girls.

I soon forgot about it.  We played hard and had fun at the trial.  The following weekend we played more ... just goofing off, this n that ... including a WAY fun swim in the river at Highlands Park in B Lo.

Exactly ten days later from the announcement, I walked in the front door from work on Monday to Vixen's loud, dramatic coughing.  Crap. 

Speedy relief!

I spoke to her vet the next morning. She suggested I pick up some plain (no honey) loquat syrup to alleviate the symptoms.  I did, and it did.  Who knew?  And they LIKE it!!

1 tsp down the hatch every 4 hours.  Or for those of who work all day, once upon waking, again before leaving for work; when arriving back home, and before bedtime.  And keep a dose handy for middle of the night coughing attacks. 

Quiet moments are a good thing.

Happy to report that Vixen's hacking cough was all but gone by Thursday.  Yay!  That's when Jemima's began.  Ack!!!  Hers kept me up half the night. Zombie Friday ahead ...

Beauty rest.

I shuffled over to New Leaf for more syrup during my lunch break.  Happy to report Jemima was already better by the time I got home from work.  Much less coughing!  YES!!!  She's no daisy.

Both girls are recovering nicely.

 Needless to say, I cancelled all participation in  dog events this weekend.  The girls will remain homebound until the coast is clear - which is anywhere from as soon as the coughing stops to 5 days later.  
I was especially looking forward to attending a long-awaited workshop with the Vixenator - someone had cancelled and we got in.  Hooray!  Bummer!

But that's alright ... I get to hang with my recovering dogs all weekend.  Kick it.  Catch up on some much needed 'stuff.'  Maybe order this little shark cozy that Vixen's other mother, Linda Buell, told me about.  It's a good thing because I think I feel a little tickle in my throat. Where's that syrup?

We'll be back!

PS - I've since done a bit of research on kennel cough.  As I've often been told by vets, vacinnes are tricky - hit & miss due to different strains.  I also was concerned about about whether or not dogs in the same house can pass it back and forth.  That answer is 'unlikely,' as the affected dogs have developed immunity to that particular strain.  Here is a good article from a sled racer ...

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