Saturday, December 26, 2015


Winter Solstice is a happening time in our world.  It signifies the beginning of winter, and is the longest night of the year.  Days start getting longer, little by slow.  Whoop!

In winter - at least in nature - life slows down, seeds germinate underground, bears go into hibernation, all preparing for new growth in the Spring.  In contrast, most modern-world humans - who are also part of nature ahem - have made it about, among other things, shopping, sparkly lights and parties.  Lots and lots of parties.  I have thought this a strange paradox for quite some time.

I read an article earlier this week that shed new light on this human tradition, called The True Meaning of Christmas.  It's about the origins of the Christmas celebration.  Thousands of years ago, humans - families, tribes - would gather together on the shortest day of the year to feast, celebrate life and give gifts just for the sheer joy of it, with the reality that they may not make it through that year's harsh winter ... and if they did, they may not have the resources to survive. The intent was to be brave and celebrate life.  When facing death, party.  Humans are baddass.

And December is a full, rich month for us.  A little party, a little hibernation.  The usual ...

The Princezza turns 4

December 11 is Vixen's birthday.

Happy Birthday, Littles.

There was an all-day party at work mid-month, complete with decorations everywhere, breakfast cooked and served by the big boss, a potluck, and a popcorn machine and holiday movies in the conference room.  Nightmare Before Christmas, Elf, etc.

Jemima turns 10

December 18 is Jemima's birthday.

Happy Birthday, Huckleberry.

*I'm a lucky girl to have such wonderful dogs.*

Tippy Toes and Tongue

PASA had their annual holiday brunch on December 20 - mentioned in my last post.

Newly engraved plates were handed out with the titles earned throughout the year.  Jemima's plaque is full!  We not 'fraid - more plates can be hung from the bottom.


Vixen's plaque is coming right along, with her three years of trials and shows reflected.  All those blank plates ... so much fun ahead!

Both of the photos in my plaques are from Erika Maurer.  She has a gift in capturing dogs' personalities.

Let's try this angle ...

The girls were given a very tough tiger shark at the brunch.  Hours of tugging and it's still in one piece.  Hah!!!  Finally!!!

Tiger shark 1 - Sharknado 0

Worn out, but not willing to let go.

And of course there's Christmas.  It was different this year.  Due to some last minute changes, I ended up staying in town, and had no set plans.  I felt a bit squirrely about that, but I also trust the magic of spontaneity.  Slept in so it started off right.  Quiet morning, another boon.  Got a few chores done, which felt strange but needed.  Then off to practice at Heart Dog.  Visited with Kathleen for awhile and enjoyed watching Spark show off some moves from his large bag of tricks.  Watched some great agility videos.  It was a good day.

Happy place

Squirrel patrol

Getting stuff done at home.  Enjoying being home.

Jemima settles on the bed.  Vixen jumps up and spoons.

Too bad they don't get along.

Another Christmas in the books.  Onward to the last week of the year!

Party on!

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