Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons

Every time a dog earns a qualifying score in an agility run, a ribbon is available.  When I was new to agility, I got happy and collected them all.  They slowly took over one room, and then another, got hung on hooks and curtain rods, chair and sofa backs, and sooner or later ended up in storage boxes under beds. 

Several years ago, I sorted through them and gave a large amount to a teacher, who uses them with her students.  By then I had stopped collecting all but the special ones.  Of those, some are big enough to be horse ribbons.  Some are small around-the-neck ribbons.  Some are medals.  One is a carved wooden trophy.

Each has a memory attached to it, and that makes it hard to let them go.  I got on Pinterest the other day and found I wasn't the only one who struggled with where to put ribbons.  There are some great ideas there - shadow boxes, quilts, wall hangings, glass lamps and side tables filled with ribbons, and more.  I highly recommend taking a peek if you're inclined.  I think I searched for 'ribbon displays.'

Some folks have lots of time on their hands

Grooming corner
I chose a couple of the easier, quicker methods.  One required lengths of binding tape - or 'gimp' - from a fabric store, and some pretty tacks.  Cake & pie.

I hung a row over the grooming table.  MUCH better!  A nice, flat, clean display for my most recent celebrations.  Jemima's recent 2015 ASCA Nationals Finals and High in Trial ribbons went there.

I left her big conformation ribbons where they are for now, hanging on the dog bone hook on the left.  USDAA team necklace ribbons and Regionals podium medallions, left and right.

Ban the fan!

That went so well - and quickly - that I put three more rows up behind the door.  Used to be a practically empty row of hooks there.  And Jemima's ATCH/ADCH poles.

The poles are decorated jump bars from various trials, signed by friends.  They're special. 

The jury's out on this wall.  It looks too busy to me, but it'll do for now.  All that sparkle may keep my guests up at night if they sleep with the door closed.  Plus the dusting.  Oy.

I may hang the row of hooks up again and hang them in bunches.  Or not.

MUCH neater!

Last, I cut all the beautiful streamers off the rest of the ribbons from both girls' runs at last year's Nationals.  It wasn't as hard as I'd imagined.  I need to add the last trial's rosettes to this bunch.  I forgot to pick them up before leaving, and they came home with a friend.

Need a bigger jar.  Life is ruff.

It's been raining here for a few days, and will continue the rest of the week.  
We've got a local USDAA trial this weekend, put on by SMART.  Fortunately it's under cover.  
Lots of noise, lots of dirt, lots of fun.  We'll see about more ribbons.  
I just hope we remember how to do agility!  It feels like it's been forever!

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