Sunday, May 1, 2016

Readying for the Road

First 3-day weekend at home in what feels like ages.  There were a couple of USDAA trials to choose from this weekend, including a small (love small) trial in Turlock and a big fat Regionals down in SoCal.  But we trialed - and worked all of them - every weekend in April.  So I gave all three of us this weekend off.  Good move!

The HIT winners with Judge Sue Graham

A quick rewind to two weekends ago: a PASA trial, held in Woodland.  Jemima ran all 10 runs clean in this one, and won High in Trial in Vets!  She's 10, and certainly not the fastest dog out there anymore.  We take it easy and she was consistent.  Look at my happy little rock star.  AND she earned her Gold PDCH last Sunday at the SMART trial!

Liza won two!! HIT's with her dogs, Jefe (Novice) and Monty (Elite).  And Akira the Rottie won HIT in the ACE division.

Felton redwood hike

And so back to the latest 3-day weekend! Another friend and her aussies stayed over Thursday night, and we went for a lesson at Heart Dog Friday morning. That was FUN!  Then lunch at Vallarta's in Felton before setting off on an easy hike in the redwoods at Roaring Camp. MORE fun!  

She headed home and I spent the rest of my weekend working on the house and yard a bit, errands, fetch at Highlands Park, practicing distance moves in the back yard (yay!), kicking back with Game of Thrones at night (is that possible?), and prepping for my upcoming bike trip.  A trip long overdue.  Heading to Arizona with some friends to hang out in Canyon de Chelly a few days and other yet-to-be-determined places of beauty.

One of many stunning vistas in Canyon de Chelly
We've been dreaming up this trip for a while.  Then I learned week before last that my bike needed major repair due to a defective system by HD.  Huge setback financially, and I realized I wouldn't be able to make the trip.  My friends wouldn't have it, and arranged to have Trigger repaired.  He was returned to my shed this past week.  Just so.  I am so blown away by their generosity and LOVE.  THANK YOU.

1450cc ... and plenty of shiny stuff to wash
And so, humbled, the very least I could do was wash the bike on this beautiful, warm day in the redwoods.  It's been way too long.  My arthritic hands rebel with all the detail work, so I've been seriously slacking.  They've been feeling better, so I went for it today.  Easy does it.  Just do it.

Subtle homeage to my home state, including barbed wire

Bucket, Dawn soap, warm water.
Mother's stainless steel polish.
Leather conditioner.

Clean is good.  I can see Texas from here!

So much better.

Trigger is sleek and shiny again.

And ready to rumble.

It had better not rain out there and mess up my hard work.

LOL!  You know it will!

A part was replaced in one of the front forks.  A new rear tire.  And out with the chain tensioner system and in with an S&S gear-driven cam.

I'm told he runs not only better, but faster.  Good lord.  Speed was never an issue with this bike.

The girls got lots of play and rest this weekend.  
They'll stay at Camp Nichols while I'm away.  They love it there.
They probably won't want to come home.  ;)

Face cleaning time, in the breeze-filled doorway

And so a week of work, and then
my friend Jenny and I hit the road next Saturday morning!  
Until then!

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